Sport for Peace

Lead Organization: Center for Conflict Resolution (CECORE)
Partners: Right To Play (RTP)
Duration: January 2021 – December 2021
Goal: The innovation Sport for Peace aims at strengthening social cohesion among and between refugee and host community youth through structured sport for peace activities.
Highlight: The focus on social cohesion and out-of-school sport and play activities by and for youth in itself is unique. Current youth activities in Adjumani mainly focus on psychosocial support, mental health services, protection, financial and material support, and gender base violence. Programs using sport as an approach are often school-based, teacher-led, so not reaching out-of-school youth. Special attention will be given to hard-to-reach youth, like former child soldiers and extremist youth, who play a key role in fostering a culture of tolerance and peace.

In this pilot will Sport for Peace strengthen social cohesion among and between refugee and host community youth in Adjumani. The impact of the project will be pursued through a sustainable and replicable youth-centred, rights-based and gender-sensitive approach with 2 outcomes and measurable indicators: 1) refugee and host community youth have enhanced their knowledge and skills of non-violent approaches to conflict resolution. 2) Host and refugee communities show improved perception towards non-violent responses to conflict and youth participation.

With this community-based project the aim is to increase inclusivity, as well as to include those most vulnerable. Youth are at the fore front of the innovation, with special attention to out-of-school youth, former child soldiers and extremist youth. Through established community clubs, Right to Play (RTP) will strengthen their capacity in non-violent approaches to conflict resolution through a 30-week Sport for Peace curriculum. Furthermore, CECORE will train and support a group of 60 Peace Champions who will initiate youth-led community awareness activities, like community dialogues, sport tournaments and theatre plays, to improve the perception of host and refugee communities towards non-violent responses to conflict and youth participation.


Contact lead organization Center for Conflict Resolution (CECORE)
Rose Othieno