The Joint Response
Tearfund, Cordaid, Plan, Save the Children, Stichting Vluchteling and World Vision will provide relief to displaced people from Port-au-Prince who fled from their houses.
The activities carried out under this Joint Response are the following:
- Water, sanitation and hygiene: this include Hygiene promotion & awareness, water supply and distributions of hygiene and dignity kits and will reach 43.745 people.
- Multipurpose cash assistance: 11.099 people will be supported to be able to purchase food, housing or expenses for other primary necessities of life
- Protection: awareness sessions that focus on people’s rights regarding assistance, risk for gender based violence, acquiring skills and strategies to protect themselves and/or family members. 29.478 people will be reached.
- Health: this will support 7 static health facilities and 3 mobile clinics to provide free healthcare services to the most vulnerable populations in Port-au-Prince areas controlled by gangs and prone to violence and displacement. Medical consultations focus on (pregnant) women and children. In total 11.148 people will be reached with health services.
- Education: in Port-au-Prince 18 community learning spaces will be set up, serving 540 children. These spaces ensure continued learning, provide safe environments and offer daily meals.
The Joint Response that started on the 29th of April and will last six months, is planning to reach 45.529 people during this period.