Type of response:
Tropical Cyclone Freddy hit Mozambique twice, on the 24th of February and then again on the 11th of March 2023. The second landfall in Mozambique took place late on the 11th of March 2023 through the locality of Macuse in Namacurra district of Zambezia, with maximum winds of 148 km/h and gusts up to 213 km/h, bringing strong winds as well as heavy rains to Zambezia, Sofala, Manica, Tete and Niassa provinces. Some of these provinces received as much rain in 24 hours as they would usually experience in one month.
Zambezia province was severely hit, particularly in the districts of Namacurra, Maganja da Costa, Quelimane, Mocuba and Mopeia. Overall, more than 976,000 people have been impacted by the cyclone.
Priority needs reported include WASH, such as water purification tablets, hygiene kits, dignity kits, protection, health, food security, emergency shelters, as well as early recovery packages, including support with reconstruction materials and seeds, fuel and logistical support.
The Joint Response
The Acute Joint Response Mozambique aims to address the needs of people affected by the cyclone in the province or Zambezia and Sofala. These regions targeted by the programme were selected based on the high level of need as well as sector gaps, also taking into account opportunities for complementarity with other partners. The joint response provides support to people in need through a multi-sectoral approach, with focus on WASH, food security and livelihoods, education, protection, and shelter.
The activities
WASH: The programme contributes to hygiene promotion in both Zambezia and Sofala Province, including distribution of hygiene kits, conducting trainings in the use and storage of water purifier systems, and ensuring post distribution monitoring. Strengthening water supply is also expected through the provision of cholera prevention kits to affected households, distribution of water kits, promotion of safe water storage, and training of volunteers on safe water chain and water quality monitoring. Hygiene promotion and awareness raising activities are also planned, through community mobilization meetings and door to door sensitization, through diverse efforts for communications/messaging, and post distribution monitoring efforts. In sofala the programme will also contribute to increased access to dignified, safe clean and functional excreta disposal facilities. This is in line with sector gaps identified, and will be done through distribution of latrine concrete dome slabs, rehabilitation of sanitary facilities and orientation for local service providers on construction of latrines, in addition to construction of wash systems.
Food security and livelihoods: In both Zambezia and Sofala province, the programme contributes to short-term livelihood support, through provision of resources to protect and start rebuilding livelihood assets. This will be done through community mobilisation and sensitisation, market assessments, establishment of agreement with food and agricultural inputs supplies, and distribution of agricultural packages, consisting of seeds and agricultural tools. The joint response will also contribute to the availability of, access to and consumption of food. This will include immediate lifesaving food voucher assistance in Zambezia province for 3 months, with a value of EUR 57 (3820MT) per month and per household.
Education: The joint response will address immediate needs of girls and boys under 18 years of age, for safe access to quality learning opportunities (formal education). This will be done through distribution of teacher kits and student kits to school management councils in Zambezia province. The response will also address sector gaps by contributing to safe and accessible learning environments, through the distribution of construction materials for community led classroom rehabilitation.
Protection: The joint response will address present protection service gaps in both Zambezia and Sofala province, contributing to prevention and response to violence through daily MHPSS activities, including Child Friendly Spaces, and establishment of community protection committees to support and promote community based approaches for protection. Team-up sessions will also be undertaken. The response will also contribute to gender-based violence prevention and response in Sofala province, through provision of dignity kits and facilitation of referrals.
Shelter: The joint response will contribute to individual household shelter through provision of standard shelter cluster approved NFIs/ES kits to affected households, and provision of resilience training to communities affected. Protection mainstreaming activities will also be integrated, including PSEA awareness raising with community leaders and provision of solar lamps and torches.
Photo: Plan International
Save the Children
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131-k
2593 BM Den Haag
The Netherlands
Chair organisation: Plan International
E: office@dutchrelief.org