The Dutch Relief Alliance published its first Call for Proposal on Monday 28 May under the DRA Innovation Fund (DIF). This represents a significant milestone in the existence of the DRA.
The Innovation Fund is a new facet of the DRA, financed by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA). Both MoFA and the DRA believe innovation is key to further improving humanitarian work, making it faster, more efficient and effective.
The objective of the DIF is to ‘facilitate an environment for piloting, scaling up and implementing innovation, ensuring Dutch NGOs are at the forefront of change and solutions to deliver high quality humanitarian action’.
The three selected themes for the 2018 Call are:
1) Smart use of Data
2) Cash Programming
3) Safety and Protection.
The deadline for the Concept Note is Friday July 6.
The entire Call for Proposal 2018 can be found here.
All DRA member organisations have the Concept Note templates. Please contact any DRA member or the DRA Innovation Working Group members for the templates.
For more information on the Innovation Fund of DRA, or the Call for Proposal 2018, please reach out to Martine Bergwerff, Chair of the Innovation Working Group per e-mail: or phone +31 (0)633688347.
The DRA Innovation Fund has been set up to encourage all 16 DRA members to partner up with third parties and submit innovative proposals which will help to improve the work of the entire humanitarian community.
Save the Children
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131-k
2593 BM Den Haag
The Netherlands
Chair organisation: Plan International