Type of response:
More than half the country’s population – some 3 million people – is currently in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. The crisis has severely damaged the social fabric, and election violence in 2015 further aggravated the situation. Now, with a new democratically chosen government in place, there are great hopes to stabilise the country. At the same time, the Central African Republic sees alarmingly low rates of basic services, frequent human rights violations and war crimes, with armed groups destroying houses and harvests. All of this causes insecurity among the people and massive displacement. The humanitarian crisis in this country remains complex.
The main objective of the Central African Republic Joint Response is to alleviate human suffering through the effective implementation of activities in response to urgent and critical humanitarian needs. Specific actions have been launched in the areas of food security, livelihoods, protection, WASH and Shelter.
In 2017, our humanitarian assistance in the Central African Republic targeted internally displaced persons, host families and communities, returnees and the resident population, as well as marginalised minorities, such as the Peulh (Mboro) and Muslims.
The number of people reached: 94.242.
Previous DRA Joint Response programmes inside the Central African Republic have ensured that more than 250,000 people affected by fighting were able to meet their basic food needs. This was done by providing basic and supplementary food to affected populations. We have also reached some 250,000 people through activities designed to boost child protection among local communities.
Save the Children
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131-k
2593 BM Den Haag
The Netherlands
Chair organisation: Plan International
E: office@dutchrelief.org