93% of the population in refugee hosting districts rely on wood for cooking fuel (Water and Environment Sector Response Plan, 2019). The burden especially rests on women and girls who spend 12-24 hours a week collecting firewood, walking long distances to do so, placing them at increased risk of violence, assault, rape and other protection risks.
The Clean Energy Kiosks provides a solution to easy access to energy products for vulnerable households targeting women. Currently, the Kiosks are being prepared to be financed by the energy cooperatives/networks of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), and will be stocked and provide after-sale services.
The solution will identify the untapped potential of VSLAs, leveraging existing structures, including governance structures, to create energy cooperatives. These cooperatives will be trained to run energy kiosks which will become localised distributors of clean energy products in refugee settlements. An energy needs assessment and VSLA mapping will ensure that kiosks are designed to meet the needs of end-users in terms of location and products stocked. Purchases are driven via the distribution of digital commodity vouchers, driving reinvestment in the operation of the kiosk in its initial months of implementation. ENVenture (ENV) and Raising Gabdho Foundation (RGF) will establish and operate kiosks in Kiryandongo and Bibi Bidi respectively. Save the Children (SC) will implement the voucher programme in both locations.
Save the Children
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131-k
2593 BM Den Haag
The Netherlands
Chair organisation: Plan International
E: office@dutchrelief.org