Type of response:
The Joint Response
Ethiopia faces multiple complex and life-threatening crises. The Amhara region suffers from clashes between rebel groups and government forces. Core infrastructure is destroyed, such as health, water and sanitation facilities. Hundreds of thousands of people – including children, pregnant women and survivors of sexual violence – are left without adequate access to basic health care. Drought and incidental floods are exacerbating the already dire situation in Amhara. In the Oromia region the drought is causing problems such as food insecurity, resulting in famine and climate refugees. There is an urgent need for support in protection, nutrition, water, sanitation, hygiene, cash assistance and health facilities.
The organizations of the Dutch Relief Alliance are working together to deliver life-saving support and essential services. Based on geographical presence, experience and capacities, the Dutch and local organizations complement each other in different sectors. This integrated intervention consists of:
The Joint Response is aiming to reach 321.882 people during this response.
Save the Children
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131-k
2593 BM Den Haag
The Netherlands
Chair organisation: Plan International
E: office@dutchrelief.org