Herat Earthquakes Joint Response

Goal: Providing emergency assistance to the people in the Herat province of Afghanistan who are affected by multiple earthquakes in October 2023.
Lead Organisation: Cordaid
Organisations: CARE Nederland, ASLO, Cordaid, RRAA, Terre des Hommes, YVO, World Vision Nederland, WASSA
Duration: October 25, 2023 –
March 24, 2024
On October 7th 2023 a 6.3 magnitude earthquake stroke in Herat province, Afghanistan, with two more 6.3 magnitude quakes in the following week. Around the epicentres, villages have been wiped out, infrastructure, health centres, schools, water networks and bridges have been seriously affected. This crisis comes on top of the ongoing protracted crisis, with almost half of the population facing severe food insecurity. Dutch Relief Alliance partners are focusing on providing emergency assistance to cover the basic needs of the affected population.

Type of response:

Many people have lost their houses, livelihoods and animals and access to basic services like healthcare and clean drinking water. Dutch Relief Alliance partners are providing assistance to increase access to these basic services and to prevent the outbreak of  diseases.

The Joint Response

The joint response partners will carry out the following activities in response to the needs and gaps observed:

Food security: 3150 people targeted with:

  • provision of livestock (animals) to rebuild their livelihoods
  • kitchen gardening tools
  • cash for food for most vulnerable households


Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: 16.800 people targeted with:

  • support with good hygiene practices, including hygiene kits and awareness raising
  • installation of 100 emergency community latrines
  • rehabilitation of 8 piped water schemes/systems


Health: 37.400 people targeted with:

  • rehabilitation of 3 health centres
  • provision of mental health and psychosocial services and referrals to other actors
  • provision of primary health care, including sexual and reproductive health care, to ensure safe deliveries
  • support to survivors of genderbased violence


Shelter: 4.900 people targeted with:

  • provision of support to get through winter, including items like blankets, shawls, scarves and sleeping mats, complemented with cash support


Multi-purpose Cash Assitance: 21.490 people targeted with:

  • provision of multi-purpose cash, for people to buy their most urgently needed goods

The Joint Response is planning to reach 55.350 people


Contact lead organisation Cordaid
Judith Manni
E: jmn@cordaid.org