Dutch aid organizations launch emergency response in Ethiopia and Somalia
In the Horn of Africa millions of people face hunger because of the continuing drought and ongoing local conflicts. Some 7.8 million people in Ethiopia and 6.2 million people in Somalia are food insecure. Without intervention, those numbers are expected to increase drastically. Seven Dutch aid organizations – as part of the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) – are taking action to help some of the most vulnerable people affected by the crisis.
Several years of reduced food production in combination with long-term localised conflicts have exhausted the nomadic and farming communities, making it increasingly difficult for the most vulnerable people to survive the next crisis. The seven Dutch aid organizations – Dorcas, ICCO & KiA / ACT Alliance, Save the Children, SOS Children’s Villages, World Vision, ZOA and CARE (lead of the consortium) – will together provide emergency aid to help these vulnerable people in Somalia and eastern Ethiopia.
In the next six months, more than 191,000 people will receive support in different forms, such as monthly food packages or cash vouchers to provide food and other basic services. In addition, water purification tablets will be distributed and water supply systems rehabilitated for better access to clean drinking water. Emergency latrines will be installed in some locations and community members receive training on the importance of better hygiene and how they can convey this knowledge to others.
The DRA comes into action when there is a life-threatening emergency situation. In the Horn of Africa, the relief organizations have identified which areas are most affected by drought and where the most vulnerable groups reside. On this basis, the groups that are eligible for the emergency aid will be selected and receive help over the next six months.
Note for editors:
For more information, please contact Tahmina Akefi, telephone 06-55165962
Dutch Relief Alliance
The Dutch Relief Alliance was established in 2014 to provide rapid and effective emergency aid to victims of international humanitarian crises. The DRA has sixteen members and operates in fifteen countries, including South Sudan, Iraq, Syria and Ukraine. The DRA cooperates with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which also provides the financing. Each organization brings in its own emergency assistance expertise, so that partners complement each other.
The DRA consists of: CARE Netherlands, Cordaid, Dorcas, ICCO & KiA / ACT Alliance, Oxfam Novib, Plan, Red een Kind (Help a Child), Save the Children, SOS Children’s Villages, Tearfund Netherlands, Terre des Hommes, Stichting Vluchteling, War Child, War Trauma Foundation, World Vision, ZOA and the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For more information, visit www.dutchrelief.org
Save the Children
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131-k
2593 BM Den Haag
The Netherlands
Chair organisation: Plan International
E: office@dutchrelief.org