In this pilot will Sport for Peace strengthen social cohesion among and between refugee and host community youth in Adjumani. The impact of the project will be pursued through a sustainable and replicable youth-centred, rights-based and gender-sensitive approach with 2 outcomes and measurable indicators: 1) refugee and host community youth have enhanced their knowledge and skills of non-violent approaches to conflict resolution. 2) Host and refugee communities show improved perception towards non-violent responses to conflict and youth participation.
With this community-based project the aim is to increase inclusivity, as well as to include those most vulnerable. Youth are at the fore front of the innovation, with special attention to out-of-school youth, former child soldiers and extremist youth. Through established community clubs, Right to Play (RTP) will strengthen their capacity in non-violent approaches to conflict resolution through a 30-week Sport for Peace curriculum. Furthermore, CECORE will train and support a group of 60 Peace Champions who will initiate youth-led community awareness activities, like community dialogues, sport tournaments and theatre plays, to improve the perception of host and refugee communities towards non-violent responses to conflict and youth participation.
Save the Children
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131-k
2593 BM Den Haag
The Netherlands
Chair organisation: Plan International