Type of response:
The humanitarian situation in Sudan is driven by political instability, economic crisis, localized conflict, protracted internal displacement, climate shocks (drought and flooding) and pressure from hosting more than 1 million refugees and asylum seekers. Furthermore, the economic crisis, including inflation (the inflation rate has reached 412.75% as of June 2021) resulted in record-high numbers of food-insecure people. According to the Humanitarian Needs Overview report of 2021, the number of people in need in Sudan in 2021 is the highest reported in the past decade, having a total of 13.4 million people requiring life-sustaining support to meet minimum living standards
FSL: The SDNJR4 continues to target people that fall under, or are at risk of, IPC Phase 3 and above with lifesaving FSL assistance, where possible through cash-based interventions, with a particular focus on women. Simultaneously the SDNJR members continue to provide timely and adequate agricultural livelihood interventions for small-scale farmers and support for Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA’s), income generating activities (IGA) and small business (specifically for adolescence in semi-urban areas in Khartoum) to ensure that host communities, IDPs and refugee households are self-reliant and resilient to (seasonal) food insecurity. The SDNJR adopts a multi-dimensional approach and protection mainstreaming to tackle all aspects of food insecurity. Including the integration of conflict resolution and peacebuilding for farmers and pastoralists (IDP’s returnees, host communities) on land, water and property rights for North Darfur, Khartoum and South Kordofan. Since Sudan’s agricultural sector is severely impacted by climate change, farmers will be trained on climate adaptive agricultural practices.
WASH: The immediate need is to support access of the target groups to the hygiene items to enable them to improve personal hygiene, in-house hygiene and environment sanitation. In line with recommendations from the HRP, the action proposes interventions in the WASH sector that aims to support residents in target localities to a) gain access to safe drinking water, b) access to adequate, protected, and gender-sensitive sanitation services, and c) access to improved hygiene promotion services. The SDNJR-3 program experience underlined the importance of WASH interventions, within a multi-sector approach, to contribute to the objectives set forth to enable improved outcomes on FSL, Health and Protection. Therefore, the SDNJR WASH activities are integrated and complementary to other sectors – specifically education and health – through a holistic approach
Protection: JR partners will be focusing on a community-level approach to address child protection needs by both strengthening existing structures and establishing new structures where needed
Health: Under SDNJR2 and 3 JR, ICCO provided clinical management of GBV to complement the GBV response under protection. This response will be continued by Plan International since ICCO is no longer part of the JR4. The intervention will include ensure provision of high-quality primary health care services and provide high quality health care to women and GBV survivors and build capacities of clinic staff to provide those services
Education: this action will contribute to the provision of access to inclusive quality basic education and improving safe learning environments that is responsive to the needs of children including children with disabilities. In localities where there is a low rate of female school enrolment, a gender analysis will be conducted, and girls will be provided with specialized support to return and remain in school. Also, inclusion of boys and girls with disabilities is an integral component of the project.
Adaptive programming: the Sudan Joint Response holds a large contingency fund (5% of the total grant) which can be allocated to small and emerging crisis within Sudan. During the first half of 2022 already 3 allocations for quick impact projects were made, allowing the SDNJR to respond rapidly to emerging needs.
Save the Children
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131-k
2593 BM Den Haag
The Netherlands
Chair organisation: Plan International
E: office@dutchrelief.org