The economic and political crisis in Venezuela has led to a deterioration of humanitarian conditions. An estimated 90% of the Venezuelan population is said to live below the poverty line and it is expected that this situation will continue to deteriorate.
One of the strongest indicators of the worsening conditions is the increased exodus of migrants from Venezuela. With over 1.1 million refugees and migrants and a total of 1.9 million affected by the crisis, Colombia is hosting the largest numbers of Venezuelans (and host communities) in need, therefore this response focuses on Colombia – and depending how the situation evolves in Venezuela.
The most vulnerable migrants are the ones temporarily living in informal settlements near the Venezuelan border and those in transit, known as `caminantes’ (walkers): many of them are pregnant women, single mothers with children, elderly and people with health and nourishment problems. The arrival of people from Venezuela to Colombia has a disproportionate impact on the departments of Norte de Santander, La Guajira, Arauca and Bogota.
Over 54.000 people will receive support in the affected departments of Norte de Santander, La Guajira, Arauca and in the capital Bogota. The main activities will be:
- Food security and livelihoods (Colombia): activities include food voucher distribution, distribution of food aid and entrepreneurship training and livelihood kit distribution.
- Protection (both Colombia and cross-border Venezuela): protection activities include:
- The creation of mobile safe spaces where children, families and young people can participate in non-formal education, pedagogical activities and receive psychosocial support.
- The dissemination of information about migratory routes and legal rights and services. This includes the set-up of ICT corners with access to internet and electricity.
- Identification and temporary care of Unaccompanied and Separated Children and Adolescents (UASC) and supporting the Tracking, Tracing and Reunification process.
- Health, including nutrition (Bogota): provision of psychosocial First Aid, psychological and psychiatric consultations including referrals. Primary health care will be delivered in the form of medical and nursing care. Activities include: queries, first level basic medicines, screening and rapid tests for HIV and so on.
- MPC: Cash transfer for three months, based on the Cash Working Group recommendations.
- WASH: installation of durable emergency latrine and handwashing facilities along with durable bating cubicle; installation of WASH facilities such as pipes, latrines, showers and urinals; supply of drinking water, train hygiene volunteers in key messages and demonstration along with hygiene promotion.