Peaceful coexistence between refugees and host communities is not self-evident. The Youth Livelihood and Conflict transformation project sought to address this challenge by including the youth, who often struggle with unemployment, in the conflict transformation processes through income generating activities (IGAs). This project involves youth delivering solutions with participatory feasibility assessments, planning and implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and sharing best practices. It supports local structures and promotes local leadership for sustainability with continued development and dialogue with communities and people of concern.
The dia-praxis method is used to foster mutual appreciation among people of different backgrounds, by working together and engaging in practical work with a shared goal, such as increased income, in order to enhance positive relationships. This activity focuses on economic inclusion to promote peaceful co-existence and encourages diverse youth groups to engage, offering an important opportunity for youth engagement and redirect attention from violence to positive living. The youth learns to express themselves via teamwork, leadership, and social skills in youth groups of refugees (50%) and host communities (50%).
Update: The project is currently being implemented in two refugee-hosting Sub Counties in Uganda in a participatory manner with the inclusion of local leaders and other partners. The project focuses on offering IGAs to 2,000 young people to improve livelihoods and to promote peaceful co-existence within and between refugee and host communities in Adjumani and Moyo/Obongi districts.
Activity updates:
Project photo’s:
Save the Children
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131-k
2593 BM Den Haag
The Netherlands
Chair organisation: Plan International