A panel presentation by Dutch Relief Alliance and Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) is a coalition of 16 Dutch aid organisations funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFa). The structure of the DRA enables participating NGOs to respond to major international crises in a timely and effective manner. An alliance to enhance the effectiveness, timeliness, reach and quality of the Dutch national humanitarian aid effort. How does it work? What can other initiatives learn from this initiative? Insiders from DRA and MFA will provide significant, in depth and honest insights into the workings of the humanitarian alliance.
Nok van de Langenberg is a seasoned humanitarian action expert with an extensive track record in developing countries as well as coordinating relief from The Netherlands. He has worked for governments and private sector in both development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Nok is Head of Humanitarian Action and Safety &Security Coordinator at CARE Nederland, was involved in the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA) from the early beginnings, and currently holds the position of Chair of the DRA.
Lars Faber is Senior Policy Officer at the Humanitarian Department of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.Having a background in both grant and project management within the NGO sector, he now works on the MFA’s DRA portfolio including both protracted and acute crises. The DRA was established in 2014 in consultation with MFA in order to provide rapid and effective emergency assistance to victims of international humanitarian crises. Lars will briefly explain the considerations of MFA to support DRA and provide insight into the ministry’s view of the work of civil society organisations affiliated with DRA.
Elselijn Mulder is Project Lead Humanitarian Aid at Oxfam Novib and has more than 10 years of experience working in the Dutch humanitarian sector. She has worked as coordinator of Giro555, the joint Dutch public appeal coalition, and is now working on several Joint Responses like Bangladesh and Afghanistan, funded by the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA). On behalf of Oxfam Novib is Elselijn lead of the Bangladesh Joint Response phase 1 and 2. Elselijn will describe the functioning of the DRA on the ground and the added value of the joint collaboration with examples from different Joint Responses.
Laurens den Dulk is programme officer Disaster Management for ICCO & Kerk in Actie since 2015. Focus countries are Nigeria and South Sudan, besides the entire region of South East Asia. Since 2017 Laurens is (co-)chairing the Localisation Working Group of the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA). The DRA aims at putting local actors at the heart of humanitarian response
and the Localisation Working Group assists the DRA responses in getting this done. Laurens’ expertise is in Local Capacity Strengthening, in connection with International Development and Humanitarian Assistance.
Richard Kooge has broad experience in marketing, communications, fundraising, business development and innovation, both within the private sector as within development cooperation and humanitarian aid. Richard is Manager Business Development and Innovation at CARE Nederland, represents CARE Nederland in the Dutch Coalition for Humanitarian Innovation (DCHI) and is vice-chair of the Innovation Working Group of the Dutch Relief Alliance (DRA).
Richard will explain the goals, responsibilities and activities of the Innovation Working Group of the DRA, briefly will describe the process of setting up the DRA Innovation Fund that was launched this year and he will give examples of the winning proposals of the first Call for Proposals.
The presentation is open to all visitors. Please let us know you are coming by sending an email to: Dutchreliefalliance@gmail.com.
Hope to meet you at AidEx Brussels! We are there to share ideas at stand number B12!
Save the Children
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131-k
2593 BM Den Haag
The Netherlands
Chair organisation: Plan International
E: office@dutchrelief.org