Goal: Responding to the needs of the displaced people who fled from armed conflict
Lead Organisation: Tearfund Netherlands
Organisations: CARE, Oxfam, Plan, Save the Children, Tearfund Netherlands, ZOA AND 10 local and national organisations
Duration: June 7, 2024 –
December 6, 2024
Six Dutch Relief Alliance partners are joining forces to respond to the humanitarian crisis in Myanmar. The country has been dealing with intense armed conflicts that have significantly escalated since October 2023, resulting in a 50% increase in displacement over 6 months. In 2023, the conflict resulted in 2,164 reported civilian casualties, including 745 fatalities, reflecting a 155% increase in casualties and deaths compared to the previous year. The humanitarian situation in Myanmar has significantly worsened in the first quarter of 2024. Intensified fighting and bombardment have severely impacted millions, leading to widespread insecurity, mass displacement, and critical shortages in basic needs. By early May 2024, the displaced population had reached 3 million, many of whom are in hard-to-reach areas without proper shelter or safe water, enduring extreme heat and monsoon conditions. According to UNOCHA 3.9 million people require WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) support, 2.25 million need food assistance, 2.2 million require nutritional support, and 9 million need protection assistance, all of which remain unmet due to funding constraints and access issues.

Type of response:

The Joint Response

Tearfund, CARE, Oxfam, Save the Children, Plan, and ZOA will provide relief to displaced people in five states (Rakhine, Kayah, Magway, Southern Shan, and Sagaing states).


The activities carried out under this Joint Response are the following:

  • Multipurpose cash assistance. This activity plays a crucial role in Myanmar’s humanitarian response, with cash assistance proving viable in many areas where markets are functioning. It empowers the affected people to address their specific household needs with choice and dignity.
  • Protection. This activity focuses on ensuring inclusive access to emergency services for the displaced population, stateless people, and other crisis-affected individuals. Priority is given to areas with severe displacement and protection risks.
  • Water, sanitation and hygiene. Providing safe water, sanitation, and hygiene items, especially in remote areas and informal settlements.

The Joint Response that started on the 7th of June and will last six months, is planning to reach 62.212 people during this period.


Fotocredit: Save the Children Myanmar


Contact lead organisation Tearfund Netherlands
Gerard van de Pol