Acute Joint Response Myanmar

Lead Organisation: CARE
Organisations: CARE Nederland, Tearfund, Oxfam Novib, Save a Child, Plan International, Stichting Vluchteling
Duration: May 26, 2023 –
November 25, 2023
On May 18th a power and deafly tropical cyclone, Cyclone Mocha, hit Myanmar and parts of Bangladesh, exposing 16 million people to the effects of the storm with winds up to 280 km/h (175mph). This Joint Response aims to help the people most affected in the low-lying area of Rakhine state, more specifically the districts of Sittwe and Kyauktaw.

Type of response:

The Joint Response:

This Acute Joint Response aims to address the needs of people in the Rakhine state and fill critical gaps identified by the flash appeal. The approach is multi-sectoral, with a focus on WASH, food, shelter, and multi-purpose cash. Due to the current political landscape in the Rakhine state access for international non-governmental organisations is restricted. To manage this the Joint response partners have effectively collaborated with partners in Myanmar who have greater access to the concerned area.

The activities: 


Thousands of homes have been completely or partially destroyed, and with a reducing stock of available supplies for building shelters already present before the cyclone, Cyclone Mocha has just compounded these problems. The first line of response will, therefore, center on the provisions of emergency shelter support through shelter kits, materials, or cash, and distribution of essential non-food items.


Cyclone Mocha has heavily impacted WASH infrastructure. The floods in the aftermath of the cyclone damaged available WASH items such as water filters and family hygiene kits and impacted access to structures. The shortage of supplies combined with increased demand has pushed up the price of WASH commodities and items in the local market. The Joint Response will focus on the restoration of the semi-permanent WASH facilities and services that existed before. This includes the rehabilitation of WASH structures and provision of consumables, hygiene kits and water treatment items the cyclone.

Food Security & Livelihood 

The disaster has undermined food security by inducing losses of existing food stocks, agriculture inputs and assets for implementing income-generating activities as well as reducing access to markets and increasing food prices which will affect vulnerable people the most. A combination of in-kind and cash assistance is required, targeting the provision of full rations for three months depending on the severity of household needs


In Rakhine state, most health facilities have been damaged, resulting in shortages of medicines, medical supplies, and health staff. The primary task will be on restoring the availability of healthcare in cyclone-affected areas such as the delivery primary health care, mental health and psychosocial support. Additionally, mobile clinics will form a key part of the health response in Myanmar as well as the rehabilitation of health services including damaged/destroyed health facilities.

Multi-purpose Cash

Although most markets have re-opened, the soaring prices of basic shelter materials needed for rebuilding, including tarpaulins, metal sheeting, and nails, has made this task unaffordable for most affected people. Multi-purpose cash assistance is needed to support the population affected to meet their immediate basic needs, including temporary accommodation, food and hygiene items as well as protection.


Photo credit: Plan international


Contact lead organisation CARE
Gart van Leersum