The Dutch government has released more than €3.4 million to the DRA for activities to meet urgent needs in DR Congo.
“I saw people being beheaded and their stomach cut open. My father, brothers and sisters and some of my friends were killed. Sometimes, I have nightmares about it. I can see in my dreams how they killed my father with bow and arrow. When I wake up, I’m shaking all over,” Says Maurice from Congo.
For traumatized children like Maurice, six organisations, joint in the Dutch Relief Alliance, take action. Since March this year, World Vision, CARE, Red een Kind, Stichting Vluchteling, Tearfund NL and War Child provide life-saving activities to 200,000 Congolese in the provinces of South-Kivu, Tanganyika and Kasai. The Dutch government has released more than €3.4 million to the Dutch Relief Alliance for these activities including food assistance, access to clean water and psychosocial care.
For years, a human tragedy has taken place in DRC. The situation is a poisonous cocktail of political unrest, economic setbacks and persistent violence. In 2017, 1.7 million Congolese people have fled the fighting between army, armed militia and rebel groups. World Vision, CARE, Red een Kind, Stichting Vluchteling, Tearfund NL and War Child are working together to assist as many people as possible. Ronnie Hahné of World Vision: “This hazardous situation makes relief work extra difficult. But each of the organisations have their own humanitarian expertise and we are also well distributed geographically. This allows us to respond quickly and efficiently to what is needed. Our prior objective is to provide immediate life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable.”
Lifesaving activities
In Kasai Region, nutrition programmes are implemented across four health facilities. A total of 829 malnourished children have already been admitted for treatment. 29,500 patients have benefitted from hand wash stations in the health facilities. Two new Child Friendly Spaces have been set and a total of 405 children have attended activities in these CFS, including psychosocial support and recreational activities.
In South Kivu, a total of 3,137 individuals have received a basket of food to provide in their everyday food needs and 920 farming households have received short season crop seeds and hand tools to support them in their longer term food security needs. 1,856 children have received access to safe learning opportunities. In Tanganyika, primary health care was provided to nearly 2,000 people residing in IDP-camps. Health care personnel has been trained to provide quality antenatal and postnatal care. With the support of the Dutch Government, life-saving support will continue next year.
Photo (C) Jeppe Schilder
Note for editors:
For more information, please contact Jorien Schermers / Marlies Wegerif telephone (033) 46 43 444.
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The Netherlands
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