Type of response:
Somalia faces some of the most severe humanitarian and development challenges in the world. At the moment, 2.6 million people are displaced and a total of 5.2 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. The main drivers of the humanitarian crisis in Somalia are conflict, drought and floods. Recurrent climatic shocks and conflict continue to diminish the resilience of communities, consequently depleting livelihood and coping mechanisms. Due to increased frequency of shocks, communities do not have sufficient time to recover.
The Somalia JR contributes to addressing gaps and needs in Food Security and Livelihoods, WASH, Health, Nutrition, Protection and Multi-purpose Cash. The members together with their local partners provide an integrated response in 15 districts across 8 regions, addressing both emergency needs as well as providing medium-term livelihoods support. Considering Somalia’s complex protection crisis, protection is well-integrated in the design of the programme. Protection mainstreaming is done by all members, as well as stand-alone protection activities as part of the integrated approach. The SOMJR targets both vulnerable IDPs and host community members, and special attention is given to the inclusion of vulnerable groups, including elderly, pregnant and lactating women, children especially under five and people with disabilities. The target communities include urban, agro-pastoral as well as pastoral communities in areas where IPC3+ conditions are confirmed. The following is planned for 2020:
Photo credits: Pablo Tosco (Oxfam)
Save the Children
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131-k
2593 BM Den Haag
The Netherlands
Chair organisation: Plan International
E: office@dutchrelief.org