Type of response:
Since the beginning of October, heavy rainfalls and tropical storms have hit the Central region of Vietnam. This continues to lead to heavy floods and landslides, leaving hundreds of thousands of houses flooded and damaged. On top of the existing flooding and ongoing rainfall, Typhoon Molave hit Viet Nam in the morning of October 28th. In total, due to the typhoon and the heavy flooding, more than 374.631 people have been evacuated. Millions were left without electricity and an additional 56,000 houses damaged. According to the UN, an estimated 7.7 million people live in areas affected by flooding, with some 1.5 million people in nine provinces directly affected. Of those people directly affected by the current disaster, some 753,000 are women and girls and 134,000 are children under five. A rapid needs assessment conducted by UNICEF also identified 1,5 million children at risk of among others water-borne diseases, lack of schooling, lack of clean water.
The Joint Response focuses predominantly on the deliverance of immediate, lifesaving assistance to people in need, as well as focusing on early recovery and rehabilitation and re-establishing critical services. The Joint Response will ensure food security by restoring lost food stock, livestock and agricultural lands, ensure access to drinking water, hygiene supplies and access to basic public services.
A total of 116.324 people in the four provinces among the most affected by the flooding and typhoon Molvane, including Quang Binh, Quang Tri, Ha Tinh and Quang Nam will benefit from lifesaving goods and services. Increased resilience in the aftermath of the crisis will be promoted as well. The target group for the response includes those affected by flooding and heavy rainfall. Priority is given to vulnerable families with pre-existing vulnerabilities before the disaster, who have suffered human loss, loss of house, assets or livelihoods. The specific needs of girls and women are taken into account to ensure a gender-sensitive response.
The Acute Joint Response Vietnam will focus on:
– Food Security and Livelihoods: Ensuring people are able to meet their basic food needs and are provided with resources to protect and start rebuilding their livelihoods, through the provision of food baskets, provision of technical trainings and cash grants for agricultural support and production;
– Shelter: ensure people in the direct aftermath of the floods have access to dignified and safe shelter solutions, through the provision of household kits and construction materials to families whose houses have been damaged;
– Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH): ensuring access to safe and sufficient water, hygiene promotion and provision of soaps and hygiene promotion through reaching people with awareness programming, hygiene kits and the provision of water containers and water-treatment solutions.
Save the Children
Laan van Nieuw Oost-Indië 131-k
2593 BM Den Haag
The Netherlands
Chair organisation: Plan International
E: office@dutchrelief.org