On the 19th of August we come together to celebrate World Humanitarian Day. We pay tribute to the humanitarian workers who provide lifesaving work to communities affected by crisis the world over. To show support the Dutch Relief Alliance is highlighting some of the humanitarians working in our Mozambique, Somalia, Sudan and Syria Joint Responses. In difficult circumstances, communities in need can count on them #NoMatterWhat.
Every year the UN chooses a theme for World Humanitarian Day, and for this year we show that we stand shoulder to shoulder with the people we serve, no matter who, no matter where and #NoMatterWhat. The Dutch Relief Alliance took this opportunity to shed light on some of those doing the necessary work in our Joint Responses across the world. They truly demonstrate how humanitarians do show up #NoMatterWhat. With many of them being directly affected by crises themselves, it is also up to us to support them #NoMatterWhat. On social media we introduce Eiman, Fadi, Farai, Naija and Shahida, join us in celebrating their life-saving efforts!
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Here Najla Chahida from partner Dorcas Syria recounts how colleagues were directly affected by the earthquake in Syria. They still showed up to support those in need because aid workers show up #NoMatterWhat
According to OCHA Sudan is now one of the worlds most difficult places for humanitarains workers to operate. We must continue to support humanitarian efforts in Sudan and the rest of the world #NoMatterWhat.
About World Humanitarian Day
Twenty years ago, on 19 August 2003, 22 humanitarian workers were killed at the United Nations in Baghdad, Iraq. Five years later the General Assembly adopted a resolution making the 19th of August World Humanitarian Day. On this day the humanitarian sector across the world celebrates, voices support and highlights the continued challenges humanitarians face.
Find out more on our Joint Responses, World Humanitarian Day 2023, and Humanitarian Principles.
Photo: Plan International, Sudan
Save the Children
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2593 BM Den Haag
The Netherlands
Chair organisation: Plan International
E: office@dutchrelief.org