Seawater becomes clean drinking water in Yemen Joint Response

VACANCY: Communication Internship starting in September 2023

VACANCY: Internship Dutch Relief Alliance starting September 2023

“We have to shoot for the stars and land on the moon”

Beyond 2.0: Dutch Relief Alliance and the Grand Bargain Commitments

At the heart of the Dutch Relief Alliance lies the ambition to put the Grand Bargain commitments into practice. The Dutch Relief Alliance sees itself as an ongoing, global ’testing ground’ for engagement with Grand Bargain and Core Humanitarian Standards commitments like localisation, multi-year funding and programming, accountability and community engagement
Myanmar & Sudan: acute crises lead to new joint responses.

“Understanding the challenges before we search for solutions” new innovations launched

The Somalia Joint Response Comes to an End, a Cause for Celebration?

Syria three months after the earthquake

Dutch Relief Alliance remains committed to supporting the affected population in Sudan